
Benefits of Income Properties

how to order prednisone online Investing in a property that you want to make income off of can be scary. At Alexis Hall Inc., we understand that looking at real estate listings in Los Angeles is a big move! Buying a property and turning it around to make a profit is something that many people would love to do, but not a lot make the move. But did you know that if you make a move on a real estate listing in Los Angeles, you’re likely to benefit from it? Read our past posts about how tenants can amortize your mortgage and more.

Income properties will be a huge tax write-off.

meetly Did you know that income properties are huge tax write-offs? As the owner of a rental property, you’re actually entitled to a huge tax deduction. Not only can you write-off the interest on your mortgage that you’ve paid, but you’ll be able to write-off any credit card purchases that you made for the rental property. Keep in mind that insurance, maintenance repairs, legal and professional fees, property taxes and even travel expenses can be write-offs as well. However, on top of all of the deductions you can make, the government will also allow you to depreciate the purchase price of your property based on a permanent depreciation schedule. This comes into play even if the property is actually appreciating in value too!

We hope that you’ve realized that there are many benefits to income properties. So go ahead and get started by checking out our real estate listings in Los Angeles today!